Rapid “edge” growth requirements and global business model transformations are driving increased use of “repurposed” properties, creating unique opportunities and challenges. Presenters will highlight the challenges, best practices and lessons learned from a cooling/chillwater system expansion of an operating repurposed data center, adding capacity and enhancing efficiency with minimal business model impact or safety risk. 1623 Farnum is a rapidly growing carrier hotel provider, providing on-ramps to hyperscalers in central USA. In 2020, market growth drove a need to expand capacity and efficiency of a 9 story data center, requiring upgrade and expansion of the entire cooling system while maintaining continuous mission critical service, amidst the challenges of COVID. In essence, a challenge similar to transforming a 737 to a 767, while flying with masks on. The presenters will review challenges in design, delivery, construction, commissioning, project schedule and budget control.

Todd Cushing (bio)
1623 Farnam

Don Mitchell (bio)
Data Center Division Manager

Martin Herbert (bio)
Associate Principal