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Tuesday, October 23
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Breakout B:
Powering Data Centers through Customization

The presentation will explore installations done in three mission-critical facilities: enterprise data centers, colocation data centers and healthcare data centers. Challenges MTU Onsite Energy faced and remedied in designing, delivering and installing systems at these facilities will be addressed. Customizing units, meeting government regulations and installing systems in remote locations will be highlighted. Attendees will […]

Tuesday, October 23
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Breakout C:
Cyber Resiliency of Mission Critical Automation Systems

In depth review of why/how building automation and electrical control systems have become vulnerable over time as the Internet of Things (IoT) has become more integrated. As IoT converged networks have become more integrated their cyber security vulnerabilities have had consequences effecting operations and uptime availability. This presentation will highlight these vulnerabilities, why they are […]