For decades there have been numerous vendor-sponsored and vendor-neutral credentials developed for the world of IT Technology. However, the industry has been seriously lacking in developing credentials for those we entrust to deliver 24 x 7 Mission Critical operation of the data center facility. With the availability of the CMCO Exam, that has now changed.
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration provided a grant to enable the creation of a multi-faceted program to prepare tomorrow’s workforce for the Mission Critical Operator role. In an industry-wide process, a full job skills analysis was conducted, and findings were validated through a global survey. Experienced Mission Critical Operators from major corporations then created the Mission Critical Operator Blueprint – areas every Mission Critical Operator must have to be effective – including maintenance, process management, reporting, and incidence response. This knowledge Blueprint now serves as the basis upon which the certification program was built.
The session will discuss the benefits of the credential for individuals, End User organizations, Consulting firms and Vendor organizations.
Dennis D. Cronin (bio)
CEO, Resilient Solutions and
Founding Member, 7x24 Exchange International