11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
ES2: Moving Toward Intelligent Self- Sensing, Self- Regulating Data Centers (session)
Dr. Alfonso Ortega is the James R. Birle Professor of Energy Technology and Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate Programs at Villanova University. He is the Director of the Laboratory for Advanced Thermal and Fluid Systems which he founded in 2005 and the Site Director of the Center for Energy-Smart Electronic Systems. Dr. Ortega is a teacher of the science and design of thermal systems. His research is in the areas of thermal management in electronic systems, convective and conjugate heat transfer in complex flows, experimental measurements in the thermal sciences, and thermal management in energy systems. He has supervised over 40 M.S. and Ph.D. candidates to degree completion, 5 postdoctoral researchers, and more than 70 undergraduate research students. He is the author of over 300 journal and symposia papers, book chapters, and monographs. He is currently an Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, a former Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging and Guest Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology.