Blockchain oriented technologies have initiated a new digital era, which those who know technology have compared to the very beginnings of the Internet. The Blockchain is being heralded as the second generation of the world wide web. The first generation collected wisdom and connected information on our planet, and the next, in the use of Blockchain, adds consistency, transparency, and truth. This session explores the impact of legitimacy crises, unknown accountability, erroneous or profit-centric expert opinion, and the need to use intermediaries for the validation of identity, actual value or project performance. Attendees will consider that the end is very near for the wrong thinking and misunderstandings that have arisen from the influential data center tier rating systems, uptime style availability ratings, and the myth of Five 9’s infrastructure resiliency. From definitions to analysis of impacts, attendees will gain valuable insight into improved forward-thinking data center strategies, and how design and construction efficiencies will be affected.
James McCarthy (bio)
Director - Solutions Engineering
M+W Group