Mukul Anand Global Director of Business Development for Applied HVAC Equipment , Johnson Controls

Monday, October 28
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Breakout B:
Turn Up the Savings – Reducing OPEX with Free Cooling (session)
Mukul Anand received a bachelor of technology degree in mechanical engineering from IIT Mumbai, India, in 1996, and an MS Degree in Thermal and Fluid Sciences from the University of Maryland in 1998 specializing in heat exchanger design involving heat and mass transfer. Mukul has been involved with ASHRAE since 1996 and was the Vice President of the local student chapter. Since 1998, he has been a part Johnson Controls International and has held several Engineering and Business leadership positions. Mukul completed his MBA at Smith School of Business (University of Maryland) in 2003. He has held staff level positions in the Global Aftermarket Parts business and led the specialty businesses of Compressors and Rental HVAC Equipment. From 2007 to 2015, Mukul led the Modular Data Center business unit which provided turnkey data center solutions. Currently, he is the Global Director of Business Development for Applied HVAC Equipment primarily focused on the data center vertical.